Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sefja...more photos

Top photos: Solon with prcupine quills
Photo 1: Lovely lines Photo 2: Sefja meets Millhouse Photo 3: See how much she has grown?

Sefja will be a month old tomorrow. She is still growing very quickly; looks like a stocky little horse! It is still impossible to tell what colour she will be, but she is getting darker around the eyes as her baby coat changes. She is very independent, travelling quite a distance away from Osk, hanging out with Uncle Natt, but rushing back to mom very quickly at any sign og "danger".

I still haven't figured out how to get the photos to go after the text, even though I add them after!

I will tell you about Solon ( Sefja's very young sire), but no doubt those photos will already be at the top. I'm not much of a techno.

I went out to feed the horses early last Sunday morning, and thought Solon had sproated whiskers like Sefjas. On closer inspection, I discovered he had stuck his nose in a porcupine!

He was not a very happy camper. He kept trying to stick his nose out to me, but every time I went to touch them he would jump back. Understandably! Poor fellow knew he needed help, but just couldn't quite handle it. Luckily Wanda was visiting and between us we managed to get them all out.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

( photo: Sefja at 1 week)

Sefja continues to grow. It seems that she has nearly doubled in size in just 2 weeks. She is bold and curious and can now gallop circles around her mom. Osk is a great mother;she watches over Sefja very diligently, but doesn't panic when she takes off racing across the field.

I have taken many photos of her, but just haven't had time to download any yet.

The days are full with lessons and riding, working the young horses, caring for them all and trying to spend a little time on my garden. I am lucky to have so many wonderful friends willing to help out. I love the sense of community that has developed over the years at Mandala and would like to let you all know how much I enjoy and appreciate your friendship, help and participation in all that goes on here.

Its been nearly forty years since I discovered this place now known as Mandala. It was like coming home; such a sense of belonging. But from that first moment I felt that this wasn't a place that "belonged "to me, but a place that had so much to offer to many people.

This land has showed me the direction of my lifes work and has helped me become a wiser and more grounded teacher and human being.

As I sit at my computer I am looking west into the sinking sun and even after this many years it is with awe and reverence that I take in the beauty before me: the sky, the trees, the gardens, the fields, the horses, the cats, the guineas.

My love to each and every one of you.