Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Births and Deaths...that's life

Remma with his mom Sophie



It is with great sadness that I write about the death of my dear friend Bear. He was 14 years old, a good age for a big dog, but not enough years to enjoy the company of such a special creature.

It is such aprivilege to have been able to spend years with such a gentle, loyal and happy companion.

This year has been so full of death and birth...so full of life. From the death of the last of the elder horses last November to the birth of Sefia, the passing of Cleo and Bear to the birth of the twins and now the arrival of a new young dog with whom I hope to share many years.

Introducing Remma... he is an 11 week old Maremma Sheepdog. The Universe is so generous. Bear and I used to play Maremma Dog ( he was big and white ). Maremma's have always been a favourite breed of mine and Bear would happily jump around with me as I sang out maremma dog, maremma dog!

So after an unsucessful search for a rescue dog,I googled in Maremma sheepdog, and the first of something like 34,000 hits came up as Maremma puppiies only 3 hrs, away. Divine intervention??

Monday, July 6, 2009

It"s not always about horses!

Sorry for the long delay, but my server was being a pain, and I wasn't able to access my blog site for a few weeks. Ah, the joys of dial up. Or is it the woes of dial up?

But the BIG news...my grandbabies were born!!! ( See, its not always about horses!). Anna Margaret Frosst and Alexander Murray Frosst were born on July 4th. They are both absolutely beautiful! Because they were premature they will be in the IWK for awhile but both are doing well and I can't wait for them to be at home so that I can go and start spoiling them rotten! Well, isn't that what grandparents are supposed to do? I am so proud of my beautiful daughter Nella and her wonderful husband Ian. Congratulations to them both.
The top photo is of Alexander, the bottom one of Anna.
It is the most amazing and emotional experience when your baby has babies. Just incredible.