Summer seems to have come early this year. In all the many years I have lived at Mandala I don't remember having leaves coming out in April! Maybe the Icelandics will be shed out before the end of June this year.
Riding/ lessons are in full swing now and this weekend will be the first two workshops. Saturday, May 1st. TTEAM for Horses and Sunday, May 2nd. TTEAM for Dogs. Both still have some spaces left so if you are interested call right away.
The May 22-23 Riding Weekend is fully booked but the rest of the summer workshops still have openings.There are only a couple of the popular Full Moon Rides scheduled for this year so if thats what you're interested in, book early.
The Therapeutic Riding program is starting up again the first week of may. We still need volunteers. Sessions are being held on Wednesday at 4:30 and 6:30; Every second Thursday at 9am ( starting May 6th.)and every second Friday at 10:30 ( starting May 7th.) Volunteers find this very rewarding and great exercise! Call me at 665-2101 or e-mail me at
if you can help us out. I am also looking for sponsers for a couple of the participants.
On Friday evening May 21st. Mandala is hosting a talk, dvd presentation of the King's- Kikima Grannies. Betsy Baillie, a long time friend of Mandala, is very involved with this group of 28 Grandmothers and Grandothers in Kings Co. who are supporting 28 Grandmothers in Kikima Village in Kenya with their 60 orphaned grandchildren who have lost their parents to HIV/Aids.
They have done some wonderful things and Betsy talks about this with great passion and knowledge.
Here at Mandala we are doing our small bit by collecting "previously loved jewellery" for their next fund raising sale. Join us on Friday, May 21st. at 6pm. Bring your favorite vegetarian dish to share at the Pot Luck and some of your previously loved jewellery or a small cash donation
and be inspired by Betsy's impassioned presentation on behalf of the King's -Kikima Grannies.
Everyone welcome.