Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring seems to have arrived on the North Mountain. Yesterday the temperature hit 26c. The Icelandics are still wearing their thick winter coats and are enjoying the cooler, breezier weather today. They are feeling spring like and spend a lot of time playing games with each other or just having races from one end of the field to the other!
The regular weekly lesson programs are now starting up and plans are well under way for the summer Weekend Workshops.I am introducing two new programs this year; an Experiential Weekend on the North Mountain, June 23 (eve.), 24th and 25th. and a retreat Weekend for You and Your Dog on June 9th -10th

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring is arriving in Nova Scotia and the summer programs at Mandala are in the planning stage.
I am planning on three new Weekend Workshops this year. Watch the web site, for new updates or follow us on Facebook where I will also be listing all upcoming programs.
Winter is my downtime; a time for restoration, reflection, and renewal. It has been an easy winter, not too cold and not much snow, which has allowed me to spend a lot of time on my forest trails. I do my best thinking there.The tranquility of the forest is especially restoring. And, as an added bonus, the dogs love my long rambles!
A few years ago I read an interesting book called Global Forest by Diana Beresford-Kroeger. She is a wonderful combination of highly trained scientist and Celtic folklorist. One of the things she writes about is the importance of spending time in the forest to our health and well being.
We think of being in the forest as calming and relaxing, getting away from our busy lives.
Extensive studies in Japan on "Forest bathing"have proved that the chemicals given off by certain trees actually do have a beneficial effect on our bodies and can help lower cortisol concentrations,lower heart rate,lower blood pressure and improve our immune system function.
No wonder I love my time spent daily walking in the woods!
At Mandala we are blessed with a lovely forest and a network of "meander trails" that are good for riding as well as walking. I welcome anyone who wants to stroll there and receive the health benefits offered.