Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday, May 8th.
Osk ( and I ) are still patiently awaiting the arrival of her foal. It will be any day now! It has been cool and very wet here for the last few days and I think Osk is waiting for a warm, dry day. She did enjoy a good roll in the mud today. It made me really wonder what it must feel like to the foal inside to have mother blissfully wollowing in mud. She didn't roll right over; just got up and changed sides. I'm sure baby was grateful for that.
Tomorrow is the first Full Moon Ride of the season. Participants are coming from Halifax and the South Shore. Dusk is just settling in and its nearly 9 o'clock. This time tomorrow we will be tacking up and then return to Mandala after the ride to sit around a bonfire and share our experiences.

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