Saturday, November 28, 2009

Remma has grown!
Grandma Olga when the twins were still tiny! New photos soon.

Millhouse the riding cat.

I can't believe that 4months have past since I last wrote to the blog! It gets very frustrating waiting on dial up or suddenly finding that you have been disconnected in the middle of a post.

But that sounds like I'm just making excuses!

As you can see from the photo Remma has really grown. He's seven months now and is a wonderful dog. He's taken over Millhouse's job of being the "greeter " when we are home, but happily travels everywhere with me, whether I'm on foot, on a horse or driving the truck.

Millhouse really doesn't mind losing his job as it gives him more time to ride!

I always think of November as my month off. The horses and I all need a break after the busy season. But the weather has stayed so nice this month that lessons have been going on although hunting season always curtails our riding on the trails. And because being a new grandmother has taken up some of my time, a lot of my thoughts and a huge amount of my love, the season hasn't been as busy for the horses as usual.

I now need to start planning next summers programs and any input on what you would like is greatfully received. I am thinking of offering more TTEAM Days and perhaps adding some for dogs as well as horses. Comments?

I have also added a program called Animal Connections this fall. So far it has only been offered as a two hour program but I would like to expand it into one or two days. I will be writing up more about it in the programs section of the website.

But what would you all like? Let me know and we can custom design a program just for your group.

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