Monday, July 26, 2010

Anna meeting mother Osk.
A Personal note:
As most of you know I am a totally ga ga grandmother! ( Thats what they call me now,ga ga) So it was really great fun to have them down this way for a few days and introduce them to the ponies. (Sorry Icelandics, I know I'm supposed to call you horses!)
Anna seems to be a natural animal lover and took to them right away. Alex is a little more cautious.

At the Farm:
Last weekends workshop went well despite a downpour of rain! The next workshop,August 7th-8th is a Special Weekend ( see for details.). There are only one or two spaces left, so book now if you are interested.
Harriet has been able to come down on a more regular basis so the riding of the young horses is really coming along. Skotti, whose special person is Emily, is going like a pro and becoming a wonderful horse for Emily. He has been going out on the trails with Harriet for quite a while, but today was the first time Emily rode him out. We met them on our ride and Skotti looked wonderful and acted as though meeting horses tolting through the woods was an everyday occurrence!
Galsi has now been ridden five or six times and loves to go out on the trails alone with Harriet. He's sure not herd bound! Actually none of the Icelandics are. He takes water, mud, overhanging tree branches, and fallen logs all in stride, and is a wonderful natural tolter!

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