Monday, August 9, 2010

This Saturday, August 14 is the TTouch for Dogs workshop. There are still a few spaces left. Why not bring your dog and join us for a day filled with both fun and learning. Perhaps you have the worlds best dog ...find ways to create an even deeper bond or ways of giving back to your best friend. Or perhaps your dog is a bit of a nightmare ( but you love him anyway!). You will discover many ways of helping all types of behavioral issues. Hope to see you there. We start up at 10 am and finish about 3pm.
On Saturday, August 21, I will be teaching a TTEAM for Horses Day. You are welcome to bring your own horse or work with one of the Icelandics. You will learn to improve your communication with your horse, understand balance at a deeper level, improve your handling skills, learn the TTouches to best help your horse, and much, much more.

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