Monday, March 28, 2011

The website ( is pretty well updated. There are a few changes in the programs offered and still a little more to come.
You will notice a change in the calendar this year; rather than set out specific dates I am encouraging small groups to get together and pick a date that works for them and we will customize a program to fit your needs. Sounds like fun and the response is good so far. Gather a few friends( 4 is max.) and pick your date!
I may add a few specific workshops at a later date, probably for TTouch for horses and dogs, and perhaps a few day treks.

Family Dog Training Classes will start in the end of April. These can be one on one consultations or small group ( max. 4) and will consist of 6 classes. These will be based on Operant Conditioning Behavior Analysis ( clicker training) with a little added TTouch and you will keep written records of your training progress.You will need to be prepared to train daily at home.
Cost for the classes will be $150.00 for the 6 group classes, higher for private sessions.

New Program

Offered to those on the Autistic Spectrum and Their Families

Spending time in peaceful, natural surroundings has been found to be of great benefit to people on the Autism Spectrum.

At Mandala we offer a complete program that embraces that idea, providing open space, streams, woodland trails and an opportunity to interact with horses.

This is not a program about learning to ride. It is about communication, and opening pathways to the exterior world. Our Icelandic Horses are gentle, social beings that love to spend time with people. They have kind temperaments that invite interaction, verbal or otherwise.

The horse becomes an excellent sensory therapist, and children derive great comfort from lying on the horses back in a variety of ways.

Once they are comfortable on a moving horse, much learning can take place as the soothing motion of the horse opens up learning receptors in the brain and produces oxytocin, the feel good hormone. Verbal responses often result.

Some of our horses are taught simple tricks in response to a single verbal cue. A child that is reluctant to speak can feel very empowered when the horse responds to their verbal cue and this often carries through to other areas of their life.

This program includes the whole family, not just the child (or adult) on the Autism Spectrum. The input of the parent, sibling or care giver is very important, as it is essential to know what interests and motivates the child.

Program is facilitated by Olga Comeau and her Icelandic Horses with the help of wonderful volunteers.

Olga is certified as a Riding Teacher, Tellington TTouch Practitioner, Facilitator for Equine Psychotherapy, Horse Boy Method professional, level one Operant Conditioning Behavior Analysis, QiGong level 3 and has over 40 years experience working with people and animals.

Contact her at Mandala Riding & Awareness Center 902-665-2101
