Monday, March 28, 2011

The website ( is pretty well updated. There are a few changes in the programs offered and still a little more to come.
You will notice a change in the calendar this year; rather than set out specific dates I am encouraging small groups to get together and pick a date that works for them and we will customize a program to fit your needs. Sounds like fun and the response is good so far. Gather a few friends( 4 is max.) and pick your date!
I may add a few specific workshops at a later date, probably for TTouch for horses and dogs, and perhaps a few day treks.

Family Dog Training Classes will start in the end of April. These can be one on one consultations or small group ( max. 4) and will consist of 6 classes. These will be based on Operant Conditioning Behavior Analysis ( clicker training) with a little added TTouch and you will keep written records of your training progress.You will need to be prepared to train daily at home.
Cost for the classes will be $150.00 for the 6 group classes, higher for private sessions.

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