Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In my workshops at Mandala I ask the participants what they feel is the most important element in riding and working with horses. The answers are always interesting, but for many years, the word that I was looking for was balance.
We discussed how balance was not just our physical balance, but included also our mental, emotional and even spiritual balance and how if one area was out of kilter the others were all effected. We see that clearly with our animals too. As we take them through the TT confidence course, improving their physical balance, emotional and behavioral issues also improve.

But over the past few years I have begun to discover a different answer to that question and that answer is now self awareness.

In today’s society where achieving, obtaining knowledge, accumulating more, tapping into technology and living at a frantic pace have all become the norm, we have lost touch with nature, the earth and our true inner self.
Without that clear sense of self it is very difficult to connect with another living being, to be in true balance in every aspect of our lives.

We can look to our animal friends to help us learn how to rediscover our true, authentic selves. Reconnecting with animals, plants, the earth and all nature can help to lead us back to ourselves.
Animals are masters at living in the moment. They are in their bodies, not hampered by a continuous stream of unwanted thoughts. They do not create their own problems, nor do they spend endless hours in worry.
Take time to observe your sleeping cat, watch your dog at play or wander through a herd of horses. Let yourself just “be” and enjoy the oneness with your animal friends. Let your mind be still and allow yourself time to feel the peace that emanates around you and the energy that flows through your body.
In times of stress we often loose touch with our inner (true) self. It is then that we begin to feel frustration, anger, fear or begin to take things personally and become judgmental both to ourselves and to others that we are interacting with.

Notice that all your animals accept things as they are. They are not judgmental and they don’t hold grudges. We have all seen how our dogs love us unconditionally and even when our pets have a squabble with each other it is over and done with without resentment.

Self-awareness can give us a real key for coping with these situations. Becoming aware of the importance of your breath can help your rediscovery of self.
Notice that your animals breathe deeply and freely. They don’t worry about sucking in the bellies, or puffing up their chests!

Good breathing creates relaxation in both your body and your mind. It brings in life giving oxygen and expels carbon dioxide and other impurities. The flow of energy in your body is greatly affected by your breathing. Deep, abdominal breathing will allow the energy to flow through the body.
Take a few moments out of your busy day to sit or lie down and be with your breathe. You may find that visualizing your animal companion sleeping helps you to slow down and go within or you may find that your cat or dog joins you in this quiet moment. Feel the breath traveling down through your lungs to your diaphragm as you inhale, hold it softly for a few seconds and then very slowly exhale. Feel the breath and the energy traveling through your body.

Next time you go for a walk with your dog allow yourself to become more aware of your surroundings. See the world through your dog’s eyes, ears and sense of smell. Use “soft eyes” to take in everything around you. Notice what your dog sees, as if looking through his eyes. Try not to label things or think. Just “be”, in your body, in the moment, in your dog’s world. Notice your heightened sense of smell. Notice the breeze, the warmth of the sun or the feel of the mist.
You will be amazed at how calm, relaxed and at peace that you feel.

If you are lucky enough to have a horse in your life, give yourself time to slow your pace down and once again to just be. Horses are very sensitive to our emotional states and ask that we be truly authentic with them. So if you are angry at the world, frustrated or fearful, let the horse know how you feel and let the horses way of being bring you to a calmer, happier place. Listen to the sound of them chewing, watch their deep breaths and slow yours to match. Communicate with them through a gentle touch, perhaps scratching their favorite spot. And begin to notice that you are feeling calmer, more connected to the earth and aware of the energy flow through your body.

I sometimes think that cats are the original yogi masters! They have relaxation down to a fine art. Join your cat for a few minutes in totally luxuriating in your own body. Stretch and move in ways that you thought impossible. Purr. Stroke your cat and totally absorb yourself in the feeling of their lithe bodies and soft fur rubbing against you. Play. Curl up and take a nap. Enjoy the sense of peace and utter relaxation that being with a cat can bring to you.

By truly connecting with our animal companions and joining them in “being in the moment” we can begin to rediscover our true selves. We can begin to trust and follow our “gut instincts”, we can begin to recognize that nature is not our enemy, to be manipulated for our benefit or overcome, but that we and all creatures are part of a much larger whole. As we begin to accept the teachings that animals offer us, we can look at them with a new appreciation and open our hearts to them. You will soon find that this appreciation begins to extend to all of nature, yourself and your two legged companions, creating a wonderful new way of living.

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