Monday, April 27, 2009

Osk's belly is dropping and growing larger each day. She seems to want to eat all the time and loves coming in for her extra grain. But as soon as she has finished eating she is eager to return to the pasture and her herd. She clearly thinks her foal should be born outside!

Last Saturday (April 25th) we had our first TTEAM clinic of the season. It had turned into summer for the day, 20 degrees c. and it was very hard to imagine that only 2 weeks ago we had 8" of snow everywhere with drifts up to our knees. Not much spring in this part of the world. We so often seem to go from winter into summer!
The first Full Moon Ride is on May 9th and only a few spots are still available. These rides were so popular last year, each one was unique and many left us speechless, so powerful was the effect of riding in the darkness. What an amazing connection and trust developed between horse and rider. Call soon to book your spot. Hopefully we will have one a month from now until next December.
The weekly lesson program is now in full swing.
The Therapeutic Riding group starts up on May 6th. with the Volunteers training April 29. we are always looking for new people to help. It is very rewarding work, great exercise and a chance to spend an extra hour or two with the wonderful Icelandics!

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