Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring...I think its really here!

The snow, from the ten inch storm on April 11, 12 and 13th has finally melted and spring feels like it is really here. The crocus have reappeared and the horses are playing their wrestling and racing games or are stretched out on the side hill enjoying the warm sunshine.

Osk continues to grow larger and quieter as her time nears.

We had a great clean up day on Saturday. Six people showed up to help and even though the ground was still wet and even ice covered in places we managed to get a lot of sprucing up done, a lot of shaggy hair off the herd and a lot of tack cleaned.

Lessons are starting up again and this Saturday, the 25th. will be the first workshop of the season. This is a one day TTEAM clinic and there are still a few spots left.

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